DIY Round Mattress
If you're like me, and like lavish things, but aren't always so willing to fork over the money, have creative tendencies, and some free time- here's a DIY project for you.
WARNING: Not for the faint of heart. Requires approximately 15-20 total man hours to complete, some muscle, and should really never be done alone. Find a partner. I thought I could do it myself and found I was sorely mistaken as I got to the sewing-an-entire-mattress-by-hand bit. Don't do it to yourself. Please.
Things you'll need:
- A king size foam mattress (if for children or pets' beds, smaller size can be used)
- Large utility blade
- Measuring tape
- Thin rope
- Sharpie or other marker
- Pencil
- Strong scissors (preferably fabric scissors)
- Large quilting needles (at least two, so you and your partner can work at the same time)
- 2 spools quilting thread (nylon and thick)
Make sure to keep a beverage (something with a lid- spills!), and all your tools, near. If you are able to, play music or any TV show that you don't mind half paying attention to. It makes it go by so much more easily. Start the project on a full stomach. Once you get up you'll struggle to get back to your beast of a project.